Monday, December 5, 2011

What I Know For Sure.

This title could cover many different areas of my life. However I am writing this post under this title to express, what I do and with who. I must admit when I started my journey earlier this year in social media marketing, I wasn't quite clear where I was going. Well finally the light bulb has come on. I am A Social Media/Professional and Personal Development Consultant and Trainer, Professional Networker, Storyteller and a Inspirer. This is what I do. This is what I know for sure. The second thing that became clear under the title of "What I know For Sure is who my audience/target market/client/customer is. It is the group known as "The Creatives". Well, one may argue that we are all creatives in our own way. My response to that would be that "the all" can't get a shop on etsy. Only those that create things with hand and heart. Also I see the creatives as artist, whether literary, musician, singer, painter or dancer. I say this because the gift they bring,which more often than not blesses the world originates from themselves. These are the creatives that I was born to be a blessing to and work with.  And what is also so awesome about it all is that I too am a Creative, therefore the people that I am looking for on my journey, to be my audience/target market/client/customer are also looking for me and I will celebrate these connections everytime we find each other. What a relief that finally I am clear on where I am going on my journey.  Now. What Do You Know About You And What You Do For sure? Please share.